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Аккорды к песне - "Smash" - Offspring

Аккорды к песне: Offspring - "Smash"

main riff

|-----------------------------------------|The next part of the song
|-----------------------------------------|is the same chords but
|-10-10-10--------------------------------|with a different rhythm
|-10-10-10-10--11-11---6---8-8-8-8--10-10-|and palm-muting.


|-------------|-------------|These chords are also played later
|-------------|-------------|in the song with a different but
|----8--6---8-|----8--6->-5-|easy rhythm.

post chorus




behind bridge


last bridge



Head over heels I fell here before
Now I don´t wanna do it no more
I´m lying right here with blood on my face
Feeling so bad, so bad I can taste
I´m just like no one
I don´t believe in guns
Don´t give me shit ´cause I´m not gonna fight
I just wanna be who I wanna be
I guess that´s hard for others to see


I´m not a trendy asshole
Do what I want
Do what I feel like
I´m not a trendy asshole
Don´t give a fuck 
If it´s good enough for you
Cause I am alive

Smash is the way you feel all alone
Lying and desperate and on your own
Smash is the way you deal with your life
Life is a gas, it´s not pain and strife
Head over heels I´ve been here before
Now I don´t wanna do it no more
I wanna be who I wanna be
I guess it´s hard for others to see


Head over heels I´ve been here before
Now I don´t wanna do it no more
I wanna be who I wanna be
I guess it´s hard for others to see



Аккорды ко всем песням Offspring :

"Come Out Swinging"
"Da Hui"
"Dammit, I Changed Again"
"Defy You"
"Gone Away"
"Kids Arnt Alright"
"Living In Chaos"
"Million Miles Away"
"Original Pranckster"
"Original Prankster"
"Pretty Fly"
"Self Esteem"
"Shes Got Issues"
"Staring At The Sun"
"The Child Arent Alright"
"The Kids Arent Allright"
"Walla Walla"
"Want You Bad"
Аккорды к песням