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Текст (слова) песни- Naked Eye - Asgaroth

Текст (слова) песни: Asgaroth - Naked Eye

[Music & Lyrics: Christopher B.W.]

Tension myriad eyes staring at your tomorrow
access never knew were strangled at the endbr> past the further: the descending coils of this paradox
stream the nothingness: despair at the end of a hoping rope...

Standby the sign of me...
some kind of unique form
...another season sliced.

Nail the inches: nail the seems to glorify the acts
your mental sequences: sequenced emotions in a crystal box
you passed the further: descending coils of paradox
strem of fulfilness: despair at the end of a helping rope...

...a blind pain deceiver
in a vectored eye
now we know what we became
...nothings left but we
and my naked I

...some kind of unique form

Другие песни Asgaroth:

Absence Spells Beyond...
Descent To Dion
Epitaph... (King Crimson cover)
I Befouled
Lured Decoy
Naked Eye
Placious Echoes At Darkwoods You Greet... Silvering Moon Between My Shadows
Sharpedge Solitude
Sinking Trails Of Wisdom
Strengthened Are The Stems Of Nasturtium
The Choirs Of The Elemental Deities
Victorious Men Of Earth
Тексты песен