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Текст (слова) песни- Dracole Waide - Theatres Des Vampires

Текст (слова) песни: Theatres Des Vampires - Dracole Waide

Iohannis Dragulae immanis atque nefanda crudelitas eiusque
In regem Hungariae deprehensa perfidia et tandem captivitas...

Aex tremandae maiestatis, qui salvandos salvas gratis
Salva me, fons pietatis, Rex tremandae maiestatis

"Hie faght sic hangar ein graussemliche erschrockenliche hyrstorien,
von dem wilden wutrich Dracole weyde
wie er die leut gespist hot epraten un[d] mit den haubtern yn eine kesel gesotten"
"Item er lies allen petlern ein gut mol geben
Noch dem mol likes er sie in dem stadel dorynnen sy gessen hetten alle verbrennen
Er meynt sy essen den luten das yr umb suns tab und kunden das nit verdiene(n)"

My hands cut off the heads and bring the law! My law!
Violence...this is the greatest freedom! Violence!
John the Baptist uses water to baptize...I will baptise you with BLOOD!
Utrum tentare sit proprium diaboli!

Rex tremandae maiestis, qui salvandos salvas gratis,
Salva me, fons pietatis, Rex tremandae maistatis!

"I am Dracula. And I bid you welcome to my house, come in
the night air is chill, and you must need to eat and rest."

Hail Dracul! Rex Mortis! Imperator Mundi! Sic transit Gloria mundi!

I will kill you in the name of my justice! Only my justice!
Empty! Desert! An empty desert, a desert empty!
Diabolus, daemon, inimicus, tyrannus, spiritus fornicationis!
After me the devil will be named! Dracul! Dracul!

Другие песни Theatres Des Vampires:

Altar For The Black Mass
Ancient Damned
Ancient Vampires
Anno Dracula
Beyond The Forest
Carpathian Spells
Dances With Satan
Dances With Satan (Cut The Throat Version)
Dracole Waide
Enthrone the Dark Angel
Enthrone the Dark Angel (version 2002)
Il Vampiro
In The Wood
Intro Twilight Kingdom
Kingdom Of Vampires
La Danse du Vampire
Les Litanies De Satan
Lilith Mater Infernorum
Love Never Dies
Lunatic Asylum
Oath Of Supremacy
Preludium To Madness
Queen of the Damned
Reborn in the Wood
Suicide Vampire
Tenebra Dentro
The Brides Of Dracula (Love Never Dies Reprise)
The Coven
The Dark Domain
The Enchanted Forest
The Impaler
The Lands Beyond the Forest
The Snow Turns Red
Theatre of Horrors
Throne of Dark Immortals
Une Saison En Enfer
Vampyrica (Theme For Vampyria)
Vlad the Impaler
When the Wolves Cry
While the Snow Turns Red
Within the Dark Domain
Woods of Valacchia
Woods of Valacchia Part 2 - The Revelation
Woods Of Walacchia, Part 1
Тексты песен