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Текст (слова) песни- Visions Of Sorrow - Zonata

Текст (слова) песни: Zonata - Visions Of Sorrow

In this hall of marbled walls in another
Dimension where time heeds no calls
Its neither day its neither night, eternal
Twilight away from the light

Traveling through time and through space
Blinded by the grace

Shooting stars guide my way,
Cosmic tide cannot lead me astray.
Seen the signs so many times,
Stones turn to vapour and life declines.
A flash of light and all turns black,
Mountain falls and bursts with a crack.

travelling through time and through space
blinded by the grace

Visions of sorrow fill my eyes, always the
Same as i travel on through time.
Blackbrowed memories hides in the skies,
They travel inside me as
I watch another crime.

Visions of sorrow fill my eyes, always the
Same as i travel on through time.
Blackbrowed memories hides in the skies,
They travel inside me as
I watch another crime.

Shooting stars guide my way,
Cosmic tide cannot lead me astray.
In ancient tales forgotten by now,
Priests and kings pledged their vow.
So i send my curse to earth,
Forced to create a new rebirth

Traveling through time and through space
Blinded by the grace

Visions of sorrow fill my eyes, always the
Same as i travel on through time.
Blackbrowed memories hides in the skies,
They travel inside me as
I watch another crime.

Другие песни Zonata:

A Dark Chapter
Beyond The Rainbow
Blade Of The Reaper
Bring You Down To Hell
Buried Alive
Dimension To Freedom
Divided We Stand
Dream Child
Evil Mind
Gate Of Fear
Heroes of the Universe
Hollow Rain
Illusion Of Madness
In The Chamber
Symphony Of The Night
The Evil Shadow
The Last Step
The Mourner`s Tale
Thor (The Thundergod)
Visions Of Sorrow
Welcome To This World Of Fun
Wheel Of Time
You Betrayer
Тексты песен