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Текст (слова) песни- Vinder Fra En Ensom Grav - Dimmu Borgir

Текст (слова) песни: Dimmu Borgir - Vinder Fra En Ensom Grav

En h?yreist ridder vender hjem
Over himmel til himmel p? en selvgjort bro
Fra den endelige tvekamp mot lysets prest
For n? til sist ? g? til ro

Se der i fjellbrisens indre
Hvor dets liv har s?kt ly for en sol
Som omsider vil m?rkne med den evige natt
Og hindre en verden i (?) blomstre og gro

Se der i ?yets satire
Hvor rester av godhet jages p? flukt
Og vindes vekk i en ?pen grav
Til den siste tenning av lys er slukket

Med kraftige hugg i menneske skaller
Frydes den rytter i ?rv?ken dis
Himmelh?yt, vandrende over sin stjerne
Skottende p? en jord dekket i is

Over utallige faldne menn
Som s?dde livets spirende korn
Streifer han vekk fra den siste krig
Den mektigste fyrste, den blodige torn

[English translation:]

[Winds from a lonely grave]

A proud knight returns home
From heaven to heaven on a self-made bridge
From the endless battle against the pries of light
And now he shall rest

See into the inner of the mountain breeze
Where its life has sought shelter for a sun
which in end will go dark with the eternal night
And prevent our world from blooming and growing

See the satire of the eye
Where remains of good is chased away
And is blown away in an open grave
Until the last light has been put out

With powerful blows to humans heads
The knight rejoice in a dark mist
High as the sky, wandering over his own star
Glaring at a world covered with ice

Over innumerable fallen man
Who sowed the growing seed of life
He wanders away from the last war
The might prince, the bloody thorn

Другие песни Dimmu Borgir:

A Succubus in Rapture
Absolute Sole Right
Allehelgens Dod I Helveds Rike
Alt Lys Er Svunnet Hen
Arcane Lifeforce Mysteria
Architecture of a Genocidal Nature
Behind The Curtains Of The Night, Phantasmagoria
Blessing Upon the Throne of Tyranny
Blood Hunger Doctrine
Broderskapets Ring
Burn in Hell (Twisted Sister cover) (Japanese bonus track)
Cataclysm Children
Chaos Without Prophecy
Da Den Kristne Satte Livet Til
Dan Den Kristine Satte Livet Til
Det Nye Riket
Dreamside Domain
Eradication Instincts Defined
For All Tid
For The World To Dictate Our Death
Grotesquery Conceiled (Within Measureless Magic)
Guds Fortapelse / Apenbaring Av Dommedag
Heavenly Perverse
Hunnerkongens Sorgsvarte Ferd Over Steppene
Hybrid Stygmata - The Apostasy
Kings of the Carnival Creation
Lepers Among Us
Master of Disharmony
Master Of Disharmony
Master Of Disharmony (Live)
Metal Heart
Moonchild Domain
Mourning Palace
Nar Sjelen Hentes Til Helvete
Nocturnal Fear (Celtic Frost cover)
Over Bleknede Blaaner Til Dommedag
Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse
Raabjorn Speiler Draugheimens Skodde
Raabjorn Spieler Draugheimens Skodde
Raabjшrn Speiler Draugheimens Skodde
Relinquishment of Spirit and Flesh
Satan My Master (Bonus Track)
Spellbound (By the Devil)
Stormblеst (Live)
The Blazing Monoliths Of Defiance
The Insight and the Catharsis
The Maelstrom Mephisto
The Night Masquerade
The Promised Future Aeons
Tormentor of Christian Souls
United In Unhallowed Grace
Unorthodox Manifesto
Vinder Fra En Ensom Grav
Vinder Fra En Enson Grav
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