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Текст (слова) песни- Undrentide - Mediaeval Baebes

Текст (слова) песни: Mediaeval Baebes - Undrentide

Befell so is the comessing of May
When mirry and hot is the day
(And) oway beth winter shours
And every feld is full of flours
And blosme breme on evry bough

Overall wexeth mirry anough
This ich quene Dame Heurodis
Took two maidens of pris
And went in an undrentide
To play by an orchard side

To see the floures sprede and spring
(And) to here the fowles sing
They set hem down all three
Under a faire impe-tree
And wel sone this faire quene
Fell on slepe opon the grene

The maidens durst hir nought awake
Bot lete hir ligge and rest take
(So) she slepe till after none
That undrentide was all ydone
(That undrentide was all ydone)

Ac as sone (as) she gan awake
She cried and lothly bere gan make
She froted hir honden and hir feet
And cracched hir visage, it blede weet
Hir riche robe hie all to-rett
And was reveyd out of hir wit

The two maidens hir beside
No durst with hir no leng abide
Bot urn to the palais full right
And tolde bothe squier and knight

That her quene awede wold
And bad hem go and hir athold
Knightes urn and levedis also
Damisels sexty and mo

In they orchard to the quene hie come
And hir up in her armes nome
And brought hir to bed atte last
And held hir there fine fast
Ac ever she held in o cry
And wolde up and owy

Другие песни Mediaeval Baebes:

Adam Lay Ibounden
Adult Lullaby
Ah Si Mon Moine
All Turns To Yesterday
At A Springe-Wel
Besse Bunting
Blow Northern Wind
Byrd One Brere
C-est La Fin
Dringo Bell
E Volentieri
E Volentieri (Reprise)
Ecci Mundi Gaudium
Erthe Upon Erthe
Foweles In The Frith
Glass Window
How Death Comes
I Am Eve
Lanquam Li Jorn
Laude Novella
Lo, Here My Hert
Love Me Broughte
Maiden In The Mor Lay
Miri It Is
Now Springes The Spray
Now Welcom Somer
Omnes Gentes Plaudite (The Drinking Song)
Passing Thus Alone
Quan Vey La Lauzeta
Salva Nos
Salve Virgo Virginum
Secreit Nicht
Slay Me Suddenly
So Spricht Das Leben
Swete Sone
The Circle Of The Lustful
The Coventry Carol
The Rose
The Snake
The Sour Grove
The Woods And The Rivers Are Silent
There Is No Rose Of Swych Vertu
This Ay Nicht
Veni Coronaberis
Veni, Veni
Verbum Caro
When Thy Turuf Is Thy Tour
Тексты песен