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Текст (слова) песни- Slay Me Suddenly - Mediaeval Baebes

Текст (слова) песни: Mediaeval Baebes - Slay Me Suddenly

Your yen two woll sle me sodenly!
I may the beute of them not sustene
So wondeth is throrowout my herte kene
And, but your word woll helen hastely
My hertes wound, while that it is grene

Your yen two woll sle me sodenly!
I may the beute of them not sustene
Upon my trouth, I sey you feithfully
That ye ben of my liffe and deth the quene
For with my deth the trouth shall be sene

So hath your beaute fro your herte chased
Pitee, that me navaileth not to plaine
For Danger, halt your mercy in his chaine
Giltless, my deth thus have ye me purchased!
I sey you soth, me nedeth not to feine

So hath your beaute fro your herte chased
Pitee, that me navaileth not to plaine
Alas! That Nature hath in you compassed
So grete beaute that no man may attaine
To mercy, though he sterve for the paine

Your yen two woll sle me sodenly!
I may the beute of them not sustene
So wondeth is throrowout my herte kene
And, but your word woll helen hastely
My hertes wound, while that it is grene

Другие песни Mediaeval Baebes:

Adam Lay Ibounden
Adult Lullaby
Ah Si Mon Moine
All Turns To Yesterday
At A Springe-Wel
Besse Bunting
Blow Northern Wind
Byrd One Brere
C-est La Fin
Dringo Bell
E Volentieri
E Volentieri (Reprise)
Ecci Mundi Gaudium
Erthe Upon Erthe
Foweles In The Frith
Glass Window
How Death Comes
I Am Eve
Lanquam Li Jorn
Laude Novella
Lo, Here My Hert
Love Me Broughte
Maiden In The Mor Lay
Miri It Is
Now Springes The Spray
Now Welcom Somer
Omnes Gentes Plaudite (The Drinking Song)
Passing Thus Alone
Quan Vey La Lauzeta
Salva Nos
Salve Virgo Virginum
Secreit Nicht
Slay Me Suddenly
So Spricht Das Leben
Swete Sone
The Circle Of The Lustful
The Coventry Carol
The Rose
The Snake
The Sour Grove
The Woods And The Rivers Are Silent
There Is No Rose Of Swych Vertu
This Ay Nicht
Veni Coronaberis
Veni, Veni
Verbum Caro
When Thy Turuf Is Thy Tour
Тексты песен