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Текст (слова) песни- The Evil Shadow - Zonata

Текст (слова) песни: Zonata - The Evil Shadow

Why is that shadow hanging over me
It does reminds me of the pain I had
I cant forget all these bad years
When I was sent down to Hell

I was punished all the time
No one didnt realize

I do not belong here with the maniacs
I should be in Heaven where the angels are
But now when I am here I will kill them all
And make the Evil disappear

I will make sure that they suffer
And leave all the pain that I have seen through
Now when Its done I will leave this place
And try to forget what they have done

I was punished all the time
No one didnt realize

I do not belong here with the maniacs
I should be in Heaven where the angels are
But now when I am here I will kill them all
And make the Evil disappear

Now I can see who the shadow is
It is the leader himself
I picked up my gun and I smashed his brain
Hope that will clear up my mind

I was punished all the time
No one didnt realize

I do not belong here with the maniacs
I should be in Heaven where the angels are
But now when I am here I will kill them all
And make the Evil disappear

Другие песни Zonata:

A Dark Chapter
Beyond The Rainbow
Blade Of The Reaper
Bring You Down To Hell
Buried Alive
Dimension To Freedom
Divided We Stand
Dream Child
Evil Mind
Gate Of Fear
Heroes of the Universe
Hollow Rain
Illusion Of Madness
In The Chamber
Symphony Of The Night
The Evil Shadow
The Last Step
The Mourner`s Tale
Thor (The Thundergod)
Visions Of Sorrow
Welcome To This World Of Fun
Wheel Of Time
You Betrayer
Тексты песен