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Текст (слова) песни- Viking - Zonata

Текст (слова) песни: Zonata - Viking

We are the Vikings that is looking for war
Slaying and raping and killing them all
We travel around from town to town
Searching for women to have us some fun

We are the last of the evil
Nobody gets in our way
Thor is our God and our guide on the way
Were gonna make you pay

As we walk on our journey through life
Were gonna see some pain in your eyes
Sometimes are good times and sometimes are bad
We must carry on
We must carry on
Right now

People are trying to fight against us
With speers and axes and life as a loss
We are the strong and we are the cruel
Were only here to get You

We are the last of the evil
Nobody gets in our way
Thor is our God and our guide on the way
Were gonna make you pay

As we walk on our journey through life
Were gonna see some pain in your eyes
Sometimes are good times and sometimes are bad
We must carry on
We must carry on
Right now

Graves been digged on places we been
Blood on our hands and blood on our feet
We are the Vikings that sailed through the seas
Were gonna kill you and set your soul free

We are the last of the evil
Nobody gets in our way
Thor is our God and our guide on the way
Were gonna make you pay

As we walk on our journey through life
Were gonna see some pain in your eyes
Sometimes are good times and sometimes are bad
We must carry on
We must carry on
Right now

Другие песни Zonata:

A Dark Chapter
Beyond The Rainbow
Blade Of The Reaper
Bring You Down To Hell
Buried Alive
Dimension To Freedom
Divided We Stand
Dream Child
Evil Mind
Gate Of Fear
Heroes of the Universe
Hollow Rain
Illusion Of Madness
In The Chamber
Symphony Of The Night
The Evil Shadow
The Last Step
The Mourner`s Tale
Thor (The Thundergod)
Visions Of Sorrow
Welcome To This World Of Fun
Wheel Of Time
You Betrayer
Тексты песен